

Rental Applications - Make yours stand out from the crowd!!


What Property Managers Look for in Your Rental Application

Finding the perfect rental home is an exciting journey, but securing it often hinges on submitting a strong rental application. Property managers sift through numerous applications, looking for specific qualities and information that indicate a reliable and trustworthy tenant. Here is what your new property manager is looking for in your rental application to give you the best chance of success.

1. Complete and Accurate Information

One of the first things property managers notice is whether your application is complete and accurate. Ensure all required fields are filled out correctly, including your personal information, employment details, and rental history. Double-check for any mistakes or omissions to avoid delays or rejections.

2. Proof of Income and Employment Stability

Property managers want to be confident that you can afford the rent. Providing proof of income, such as recent pay slip, a letter from your employer, or bank statements, is essential. Stable employment history shows that you have a consistent income, which assures property managers that you’re financially reliable.

3. Positive Rental History

Your rental history is a significant factor. Property managers look for references from previous landlords who can vouch for your behaviour as a tenant. Positive feedback about timely rent payments, proper maintenance of the property, and respectful behaviour towards neighbours can significantly boost your application.

4. Tenant Ledger

Your tenancy ledger serves as proof of timely payments and good rental history, which can be beneficial when applying for future rentals. Additionally, it aids in resolving any discrepancies quickly and efficiently, fostering a positive relationship with the property manager.

5. National Tenancy Database (NTD) 

Property managers conduct National Tenancy Database (NTD) to ensure the safety and security of their property and other tenants. Being upfront about any issues can be beneficial, as honesty can sometimes outweigh minor concerns.

6. Stable and Reliable References

References from previous property managers and employers can add credibility to your application. These references should highlight your reliability, responsibility, and character, giving property managers further confidence in your suitability as a tenant.

7. Cover Letter

A cover letter can set you apart from other applicants. Use this opportunity to explain why you’re interested in the property, how you’ll take care of it, and any unique circumstances that might not be evident from the standard application form. It’s your chance to make a personal connection with the property manager.

8. Preparedness and Organisation

Being prepared with all necessary documents and responding promptly to any follow-up questions or requests can leave a positive impression. It shows that you are organised and serious about securing the rental property.

Final Thoughts

Submitting a rental application is your chance to make a strong impression on property managers. By providing complete, accurate, and honest information, showcasing financial stability, and demonstrating a positive rental history, you significantly increase your chances of being approved. Remember, a well-prepared application reflects your commitment and reliability, making you a desirable tenant in the eyes of property managers.

Good luck with your rental search!

For more tips on finding and securing the perfect rental home, contact us directly. We’re here to help you every step of the way!